Thursday, January 11, 2007

India Poised

If you are an urban Indian aged between 20 and 30*, there's one point that almost all of you will agree to - India's bright future. Keeping in mind that there are many areas that we still need to start improving upon, you can see the winds of change sweeping the minds of the land. There is this buzz around you, telling you about the country's fortune being northbound! And mind you the buzz is no illusion.

The Times group has started this campaign, called India Poised. As a part of this campaign, they intend to highlight not only the best but also the areas that we need to work upon as a Nation to be a true international force to reckon.

The campaign's anthem is beautifully written and does an excellent job of capturing the sentiments of the nation. Mr. Amitabh's Bachchan's voice just adds to the magic of the words. Log onto to hear the anthem and get inspired!!

P.S. You will have to register in order to listen to the Hindi version of the anthem, but its gonna be truly worth it.
*The chosen subset is just the group of Indians I relate to most!

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