Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Dandiya Washout

Ever been planning something for a long time with a select group of friends? And ever had such an event cancelled at the last minute after all the planning?? Well, I had something similar lined up for this weekend and it turned out to be a flop show.

A friend of mine and myself have been trying to execute a dandiya outing with our college group for the past four consecutive years. But for one reason or the other the plans never materialize. During these four years we have gone out with our other groups and had a ball at various dandiya parties, always hoping to dance to those very beats with our college friends. But it never seems to work for us as far as dandiya is concerned. Its not that we don't keep in touch or that we don't party together. We do ... and we do it quite often. Its just the dandiya that is jinxed.

The biggest challenge in the past has been of getting everyone to agree to a common date and venue for the gig. This year we even managed to do that - but planning is the farthest that we could go. Though I must say, that 2006, has been the closest we have ever been to a dandiya together. We finalized the venue, chose a date when everyone left of the group in India could make it and also fixed the logistical problems. But the rain gods chose this very weekend to vent their fury on us poor souls. It rained like there would never be a tomorrow and we had to drop all plans of a dandiya!

So here I am, back to square one, hoping to plan and execute Mission 'Dandiya 2007' successfully! Moral of the story: If it isn't supposed to happen ... It isn't gonna happen!

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